Hardcover Template

Singer Sew Template

Softcover Template

Hard cover binding with a graphic cover is a cost-effective binding method.
Binding options: PUR or double-fan adhesive
Three types of film lamination: Gloss, soft touch matte, gloss-linen
*Any binding method not listed, please contact ne-sales@hfgroup.com
Side sewn binding – max thickness of 5/16”
This type of binding is ideal for children’s books and more!
Three types of film lamination: Gloss, soft touch matte, gloss-linen
Soft cover binding is cost-efficient binding option.
Binding options: PUR, double-fan adhesive and rare cases, smythe sew.
Three types of film lamination: Gloss, soft touch matte, gloss-linen.
*Any binding method not listed, please contact ne-sales@hfgroup.com


Book block size--

Maximum height – 11 ¼”
Maximum width – 15”
Minimum height – 7”
Minimum spine thickness – 5/16”